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Porta Linguarum , issue 9, January 2008





Measuring and Assessing the Development of Foreign Language Writing Competence, PIETER de HAAN and KEES van ESCH
Una propuesta de evaluación en el EEES: el uso del portfolio en una clase de idiomas,  MARÍA  MARTÍNEZ LIROLA
A Cognitively-Oriented Encapsulation of Strategies Utilized for Lexical Development: In search of a flexible and highly interactive curriculum, MOHAMMAD MOHSENI-FAR
Post-Editing Machine Translation as an FSL Exercise,  MICHAEL D. KLIFFER
Designing a Conceptual Syllabus for Teaching Metaphors and Idioms in a Foreign Language Context,  GEORGIA ANDREOU and IOANNIS GALANTOMOS
Regulation Metacognitive du Controle de la Comprehension Orale en FLE, MARÍA JOSÉ VALIENTE JIMÉNEZ
L1 in the EFL Classroom: More a Help than a Hindrance?  CAROLINA RODRÍGUEZ JUÁREZ AND  GINA OXBROW
Research in Language Didactics: A Model for the Evaluation of Oral Discursive Competence in Secondary Education, M.ª PILAR NÚÑEZ DELGADO, EDUARDO FERNÁNDEZ DE HARO and ANTONIO ROMERO LÓPEZ
Peer-Assessment in The ESL Classroom: A Practical Project,  CARMEN MAÍZ ARÉVALO
Feedback in L2 Writing: The Students’ Perspective,  GABRIELA VOKIC
Incorporating Service-Learning in the Spanish Classroom: Challenges and Solutions,  EMILIA ALONSO MARKS
Spanish Learning Strategies of Some Good Language Learners,  MANUEL MORALES y  DANIEL J. SMITH
Competency-Based English Teaching and Learning: Investigating Pre-Service Teachers of Chinese’s Learning Experience, RUTH MING HAR WONG
El Método Natural de Francisco Piferrer: una apuesta por la enseñanza de la pronunciación inglesa, JAVIER VILLORIA PRIETO

Recensiones/Book reviews

All in all: A plural view of our teaching & learning, María Jesús Lorenzo Modia y Ana Demitroff (eds.) (2005). A Coruña: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade da Coruña, by JUAN JOSÉ VARELA TEMBRA
Theories in Second Language Acquisition. An Introduction. VanPatten, B. & Williams, J. (Eds.) (2007). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates by  IRENE ALONSO APARICIO.